Monday, March 30, 2015

Handmade Mania week 69

Hiya, good day, and welcome to a fresh week of Handmade Mania! What is this post you ask? This is a weekly link up for handmade products within your online shop to help them be seen by a whole new group of people! By you linking up and sharing others, others share your products on their social medias, putting you in front of new group of people. And by doing so, you are building upon your crafty network of exposure with minimal effort. Please, make sure to share this link up with another amazing handmadelove indie shop! Then we all will meet someone new. 
I love indie shops as much as I love handmade goods and wish to grow my crafty indie network, I do my best to share all of the shops that link up. Last weeks link up had 37 links, 65 clicks, and 244 views!  That is awesome! Thank you all so much for joining and sharing. You all make this link up work and grow. ☺

I love all the featured shops! I am so excited to see new shops joining in and love featuring their amazing handmade products. Make sure to visit the featured shops, there are some amazing things within their shop walls! I hope to see more new indie shops join in the fun. Now onto a fresh week!

What can you link up? If you make it with your own hands, you may add it, including designed items. Please, do not link to your Facebook page or Blog posts. All other platforms excepted. 

Here are the RULES as nothing works right without a few good rules. 

You can link up to TWO individual products from your shop below for some networking/sharing fun! Select TWO products from the collection to SHARE via social media using #handmadelove.

Please share in a comment what two products you share and where. I will do my best to respond timely. Thank you! 

(Do not share to Pinterest without the express permission from the shop owner. Thank you.

By doing this, you'll be able to share EPIC handmade goodness and build your handmade network! Please share this link up with someone else this week. The more people we have join in, the more our items will be shared and seen! You sharing this link up, helps it to grow even more! I am super excited to share some EPIC Handmade Goodness this week!! Make sure to use the #handmadelove so I can find and share what you share easily. Thank you.  

How to link up:
Click "add your link"
Box 1: add the URL to your Individual product hit tab
Box 2: will add product details - edit those as you wish
Box 3: put in your email address
then select a thumbnail photo and hit DONE! 
Share it if you wish too! They make it very easy with buttons for the main sharing platforms. 

Your item has 4 chances of being featured this up coming week! Make sure to link up, share, and share the link up with someone else! The more we share this link up, the more people are viewing our shops, and the more potential of turning a browser into a buyer. I am so excited to see what #handmadelove links you post! 

Happy Sharing!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Handmade Mania week 68

Hiya, good day, and welcome to a fresh week of Handmade Mania! What is this post you ask? This is a weekly link up for handmade products within your online shop to help them be seen by a whole new group of people! By you linking up and sharing others, others share your products on their social medias, putting you in front of new group of people. And by doing so, you are building upon your crafty network of exposure with minimal effort. Please, make sure to share this link up with another amazing handmadelove indie shop! Then we all will meet someone new. 
  I love indie shops as much as I love handmade goods and wish to grow my crafty indie network, I do my best to share all of the shops that link up. Last weeks link up had 34 links, 95 clicks, and 189 views!  That is awesome! Thank you all so much for joining and sharing. You all make this link up work and grow. ☺

I love all the featured shops! I am so excited to see new shops joining in and love featuring their amazing handmade products. Make sure to visit the featured shops, there are some amazing things within their shop walls! I hope to see more new indie shops join in the fun. Now onto a fresh week!

What can you link up? If you make it with your own hands, you may add it, including designed items. Please, do not link to your Facebook page or Blog posts. All other platforms excepted. 

Here are the RULES as nothing works right without a few good rules. 

You can link up to TWO individual products from your shop below for some networking/sharing fun! Select TWO products from the collection to SHARE via social media using #handmadelove.

Please share in a comment what two products you share and where. I will do my best to respond timely. Thank you! 

(Do not share to Pinterest without the express permission from the shop owner. Thank you.

By doing this, you'll be able to share EPIC handmade goodness and build your handmade network! Please share this link up with someone else this week. The more people we have join in, the more our items will be shared and seen! You sharing this link up, helps it to grow even more! I am super excited to share some EPIC Handmade Goodness this week!! Make sure to use the #handmadelove so I can find and share what you share easily. Thank you.  

How to link up:
Click "add your link"
Box 1: add the URL to your Individual product hit tab
Box 2: will add product details - edit those as you wish
Box 3: put in your email address
then select a thumbnail photo and hit DONE! 
Share it if you wish too! They make it very easy with buttons for the main sharing platforms. 

Your item has 4 chances of being featured this up coming week! Make sure to link up, share, and share the link up with someone else! The more we share this link up, the more people are viewing our shops, and the more potential of turning a browser into a buyer. I am so excited to see what #handmadelove links you post! 

Happy Sharing!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

#HappyHandmade 104 Shares

Are you a Harry Potter fan? I am, though, I have not read the books but really enjoyed the movies. +Daft Crafts hosted a great #happyhandmade and I found a few wonderful Harry Potter themed items. The new week is up and ready for your links. I have already added mine and was honored my cute little fuzzy chick was a staff pick! Come join in the fun: HERE!

♥ Kelly
 Small Magic Wand clip art

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Talk to Me Tuesday Mizziexoxo Style

Welcome. Today's Talk to Me is a wonderful talented artisan, Melissa. She is creates darling charms with a geeky kawaii feel. They are super cute accessories.

Welcome Melissa! 

Please, tell us about yourself! 

Hey there lovelies, my name is Melissa and I'm the creator of Mizziexoxo Boutique. I have so many interests a few are reading,working out, listening to music,watching movies and TV, I love DIY/crafting, and cooking. 

Tell us about your Darling shop!

My little shop was started pretty much by accident when I stumbled upon Etsy and Storenvy. From there I had the idea to start my own shop, and the rest is pretty much history. My shop has many cute things like clay charms and jewelry, as well as accessories to satisfy your inner geek, and creepy accessories featuring skulls and bones all still remaining on the cute side. 

What is your Favorite thing to make?
I can't pick just one, but at the moment I've been doing a lot of polymer clay charms, rings, and earrings. 

What is the Hardest Part about owning an Online Store? 

When I first started out the hardest thing for me was making sure I didn't get discouraged. I would think that if I wasn't making a lot of sales that I was a failure. Now I realize that I must keep my head up and push through and keep up my hard work and my efforts will show.  

Do you have any advice to share concerning having an online business? 

I learned that nothing in life ever comes easily, and hard work pays off.  

That is so true! That is something I wish someone had told me before I began and the hard work is worth it! It was so wonderful to meet you and learn more about your shop and craft. I am so glad you helped expand my craft community. Thank you so much for coming and talking to us today. You can find and follow Melissa at her SHOP |ETSY | FACEBOOK  |INSTAGRAM | TWITTER | PINTEREST |BLOG|

Make sure to visit her and tell her a crafty 'Hi!' 


Monday, March 16, 2015

Handmade Mania week 67

Hiya, good day, and welcome to a fresh week of Handmade Mania! What is this post you ask? This is a weekly link up for handmade products within your online shop to help them be seen by a whole new group of people! By you linking up and sharing others, others share your products on their social medias, putting you in front of new group of people. And by doing so, you are building upon your crafty network of exposure with minimal effort. Please, make sure to share this link up with another amazing handmadelove indie shop! Then we all will meet someone new.

I love indie shops as much as I love handmade goods and wish to grow my crafty indie network, I do my best to share all of the shops that link up. Last weeks link up had 25 links, 56 clicks, and 229 views!  That is awesome! Thank you all so much for joining and sharing. You all make this link up work and grow. ☺

My daughter was my staff this week. She had her first sleep over  this past week and felt she "grew older while my eyes slept". Could not argue with that as she seems to grow more each day. She also has good taste. I love all the featured shops! I am so excited to see new shops joining in and love featuring their amazing handmade products. Make sure to visit the featured shops, there are some amazing things within their shop walls! I hope to see more new indie shops join in the fun. Now onto a fresh week!

What can you link up? If you make it with your own hands, you may add it, including designed items. Please, do not link to your Facebook page or Blog posts. All other platforms excepted. 

Here are the RULES as nothing works right without a few good rules. 

You can link up to TWO individual products from your shop below for some networking/sharing fun! Select TWO products from the collection to SHARE via social media using #handmadelove.

Please share in a comment what two products you share and where. I will do my best to respond timely. Thank you! 

(Do not share to Pinterest without the express permission from the shop owner. Thank you.

By doing this, you'll be able to share EPIC handmade goodness and build your handmade network! Please share this link up with someone else this week. The more people we have join in, the more our items will be shared and seen! You sharing this link up, helps it to grow even more! I am super excited to share some EPIC Handmade Goodness this week!! Make sure to use the #handmadelove so I can find and share what you share easily. Thank you.  

How to link up:
Click "add your link"
Box 1: add the URL to your Individual product hit tab
Box 2: will add product details - edit those as you wish
Box 3: put in your email address
then select a thumbnail photo and hit DONE! 
Share it if you wish too! They make it very easy with buttons for the main sharing platforms. 

Your item has 4 chances of being featured this up coming week! Make sure to link up, share, and share the link up with someone else! The more we share this link up, the more people are viewing our shops, and the more potential of turning a browser into a buyer. I am so excited to see what #handmadelove links you post! 


Happy Sharing!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

#happyhandmade 103 shares

 Another amazing #happyhandmade for +Daft Crafts last week! This week's theme is red and blue! It was hard to choose and the NEW week is already full of EPIC handmade goodness!! Do you make your products? You can join in the fresh week HERE! Hope to see you there!


Monday, March 9, 2015

Handmade Mania week 66

Hiya, good day, and welcome to a fresh week of Handmade Mania! What is this post you ask? This is a weekly link up for handmade products within your online shop to help them be seen by a whole new group of people! By you linking up and sharing others, others share your products on their social medias, putting you in front of new group of people. And by doing so, you are building upon your crafty network of exposure with minimal effort. Please, make sure to share this link up with another amazing handmadelove indie shop! Then we all will meet someone new.

I love indie shops as much as I love handmade goods and wish to grow my crafty indie network, I do my best to share all of the shops that link up. Last weeks link up had 34 links, 159 clicks, and 201 views!  That is awesome! Thank you all so much for joining and sharing. You all make this link up work and grow. ☺

I love all the featured shops! I am so excited to see new shops joining in and love featuring their amazing handmade products. Make sure to visit the featured shops, there are some amazing things within their shop walls! I hope to see more new indie shops join in the fun. Now onto a fresh week!

What can you link up? If you make it with your own hands, you may add it, including designed items. Please, do not link to your Facebook page or Blog posts. All other platforms excepted. 

Here are the RULES as nothing works right without a few good rules. 

You can link up to TWO individual products from your shop below for some networking/sharing fun! Select TWO products from the collection to SHARE via social media using #handmadelove.

Please share in a comment what two products you share and where. I will do my best to respond timely. Thank you! 

(Do not share to Pinterest without the express permission from the shop owner. Thank you.

By doing this, you'll be able to share EPIC handmade goodness and build your handmade network! Please share this link up with someone else this week. The more people we have join in, the more our items will be shared and seen! You sharing this link up, helps it to grow even more! I am super excited to share some EPIC Handmade Goodness this week!! Make sure to use the #handmadelove so I can find and share what you share easily. Thank you.  

How to link up:
Click "add your link"
Box 1: add the URL to your Individual product hit tab
Box 2: will add product details - edit those as you wish
Box 3: put in your email address
then select a thumbnail photo and hit DONE! 
Share it if you wish too! They make it very easy with buttons for the main sharing platforms. 

Your item has 4 chances of being featured this up coming week! Make sure to link up, share, and share the link up with someone else! The more we share this link up, the more people are viewing our shops, and the more potential of turning a browser into a buyer. I am so excited to see what #handmadelove links you post! 

Happy Sharing!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Favorites - blog posts & products

Happy Friday! I wanted to share with you some amazing favorites from this past week.
First, I must share my blog was nominated for Best of Blog Awards hosted by My So Called Chaos for "The Cultivate Crafter Award". Please, VOTE for me! It is a huge surprise and honor!

Next, have you met Kimi Who Blog yet? Read her blog! So many amazing things but my favorite from this past week was the post about the "Guy behind the Blog".  

Then, Nerdy Fox blog had so many amazing things posted this week but my favorite is her March Goals!  She has some good ones! 

I am also super excited about Whatcha McCall It's "Easy Calligraphy DIY" post. She really explains it nicely.

And finally, I am in love with the following products from a few of my fellow Handmade in KC shops! 

I am so excited about all the shops that I am meeting in the group Handmade in KC! Make sure to visit the BLOG to meet all the other amazing shops!

What are your Friday Favorites? 

Feel Free to add your favorite products and blog posts from this past week in this weeks #FridayFavs link up! USE tag #FridayFavs so I can find and share what you share. ♥

Add a Favorite blog post or product and visit others!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March Goals

Did you set goals for last month? I did, so lets recap how I did and set new goals for March, '15.

Goals for February:
  • Make and add 5 new products  - FAIL - So I did 2 products and started 3...
  • Blog 3 per week - minimum - Okay-ish - almost 3 per week
  • Start writing down and keeping a book -  Success!
  • go through my belongings and organize it - FAIL
  • donate clothes and shoes I no longer wear - FAIL
  • Clean up and organize my craft supplies - Okay-ish - got it cleaned up & organized to start         NEW projects to mess it up again
  • Stay on top of networking, group, responsibilities - Success!
Remember I told you about two new blogs, My So-Called Chaos and A Peek at Karen's World, that I met? They keep on inspiring me to grow in my blogging reality.(Also The Nerdy Fox blog posted her March goals) I am so glad they are hosting a 'Goal setting Post' Link party each month. I am super bad at remembering what goals I set and figured if I blogged them...I'd remember better. And you all can check in with me to keep my accountable to them.♥

Monthly Goals 
 You can join in too...just click on the photo it will take you to the original link up for the month.

  1. make stock for up coming show & to stock shop
  2. make, photograph, & list NEW products
  3. Type up & send out first Krazy Newletter
  4. Make myself a dress with the gifts hubby has given me
  5. organize & clean up my closet 
So, it is only 5 goals and I know it seems short. That way I know I can get each one accomplished! Are you joining the the "goal" setting challenge? Share a link to your post below - I'd love to read it! 


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

Handmade Mania week 65

Hiya, good day, and welcome to a fresh week of Handmade Mania! What is this post you ask? This is a weekly link up for handmade products within your online shop to help them be seen by a whole new group of people! By you linking up and sharing others, others share your products on their social medias, putting you in front of new group of people. And by doing so, you are building upon your crafty network of exposure with minimal effort. Please, make sure to share this link up with another amazing handmadelove indie shop! Then we all will meet someone new.

I love indie shops as much as I love handmade goods and wish to grow my crafty indie network, I do my best to share all of the shops that link up. Last weeks link up had 39 links, 133 clicks, and 198 views!  That is awesome! Thank you all so much for joining and sharing. You all make this link up work and grow. ☺

I love all the featured shops! I am so excited to see new shops joining in and love featuring their amazing handmade products. Make sure to visit the featured shops, there are some amazing things within their shop walls! I hope to see more new indie shops join in the fun. Now onto a fresh week!

What can you link up? If you make it with your own hands, you may add it, including designed items. Please, do not link to your Facebook page or Blog posts. All other platforms excepted. 

Here are the RULES as nothing works right without a few good rules. 

You can link up to TWO individual products from your shop below for some networking/sharing fun! Select TWO products from the collection to SHARE via social media using #handmadelove.

Please share in a comment what two products you share and where. I will do my best to respond timely. Thank you! 

(Do not share to Pinterest without the express permission from the shop owner. Thank you.

By doing this, you'll be able to share EPIC handmade goodness and build your handmade network! Please share this link up with someone else this week. The more people we have join in, the more our items will be shared and seen! You sharing this link up, helps it to grow even more! I am super excited to share some EPIC Handmade Goodness this week!! Make sure to use the #handmadelove so I can find and share what you share easily. Thank you.  

How to link up:
Click "add your link"
Box 1: add the URL to your Individual product hit tab
Box 2: will add product details - edit those as you wish
Box 3: put in your email address
then select a thumbnail photo and hit DONE! 
Share it if you wish too! They make it very easy with buttons for the main sharing platforms. 

Your item has 4 chances of being featured this up coming week! Make sure to link up, share, and share the link up with someone else! The more we share this link up, the more people are viewing our shops, and the more potential of turning a browser into a buyer. I am so excited to see what #handmadelove links you post!   

Happy Sharing!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.